Organic herbs
Those herbs considered "culinary herbs" (parsley, mint, basil, etc) have characteristic flavours that allow us to use them in specific recipes or to garnish a dish. They also help with the general digestion of the dish they are associated with. Those herbs that are the strongest in flavour, are used in smaller quantities; the part of the plant that is used the most is the flower, that can be ground as soon as it is picked or dried.
Vegetable Garden Herbs
BAY LEAF (Laurus nobilis - Lauraceae)
ANGELICA (Angelica silvestris – Umbelliferae)
BASIL (Ocimum basilicum – Labiatae)
BORRIGE (Borrago officinalis - Borraginaceae)
CAMOMILE (Chamaemelum nobile – Compositae)
FENNEL (Foenicolum vulgare – Umbilliferae)
CHERVIL (Anthriscus cerefolium- Umbilliferae)
TARRAGON (Artemisia dracunculus – Compositae)
CHIVES (Allium schoenoprasum – Liliaceae)
DWARF LEEK (Ligusticum lucidum – Umbellifereae)
CAT MINT (Nepeta cataria – Labiatae)
MARJORAM (Origanum majorana – Labiatae)
LEMON BALM (Melissa officinalis – Labiatae)
MINT (Menta piperita – Labiatae)
OREGANO (Origanum volgare – Labiatae)
PARSLEY (Petroselinum sativum – Umbelliferae)
ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis – Labiatae)
ROCKET (Eruca sativa – Cruciferae)
RUE (Ruta graveolens – Rutaceae)
SALVIA (Salvia officinalis – Labiatae)
SUMMER SAVORY (Satureja hortensis - Labiatae)
THYME (Thymus vulgaris – Labiatae)
Flower Garden Herbs
IVY (Hedera helix – Araliaceae)
CLOVE (Dianthus caryophyllus - Caryophyllaceae)
LAVANDER (Lavandula officinalis – Labiatae)
ROSE HIP (Rosa canica – Rosacee)
FRENCH MARIGOLD (Tagetes papula – Compositae)
Field Herbs
BURDOCK (Arctium lappa – Compositae)
ROUGH HAWKBIT (Leontodon hispidus – Compositae)
MILLEFEUILLE (Achillea millefolium – Compositae)
NETLE (Urtica dioica – Urticaceae)
WILD POPPIES (Papaver rhoeas – Papaveravecee)
BUTTER CUP (Ranuncolacee, Ranunculus acer)
DANDELION (Tarassacum officinale – Compositae)