Main attractions in the surrounding areas
Exhilarating freedom awaits you throughout lands of classic beauty.
A far horizon beckons beyond seamless pastures of lush green. The picturesque Euganean Hills rise alluringly, like earthen monuments, toward the clouds. Birds of brilliant colour and song swoop and glide overhead. The rustic gravel track guides your way. A brook of clear murmuring water runs to one side. Ahead, the quaint outlines of proud Veneto Villas dot the countryside, and the majestic towers of a grand walled city can be seen.
You are an invited guest of the once mighty Venetian city state, and here you walk among living history. The ancient traditions of these lands lay open to visiting groups of any size and explorers of all ages.
Experiencing the untold marvels hidden among these farm pastures and village lanes may be done according to any trip schedule. Whether enjoying an extended stay or a short jaunt, our specialized itineraries hold something for everyone.